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Imagining May 5, 1945 ( Nanda Devi)
The Nanda Devi work is composed using this painting, one of the few of Max Glick’s works that is dated. It depicts a mountain scene. Max stands there (as I imagine) overlooking a rooftop (that I’ve eliminated for this work) on May 5, 1945 capturing mountains and sky somewhere in India. I’ve since identified the mountain as the famous Nanda Devi. Did he imagine that two years and one day later, he’d be home in the States welcoming a new baby girl? Could he have imagined that that child would later pluck the image of woman,(standing in another place and from another of his paintings) and fold her into this vision of his or that those images would then be incorporated into a fiber artwork years later by that child? Could he have imagined that his vision would be turned back on itself and reunited in a time that would have exceeded his death as an old man?